
Fall Rates 2024


Seniors (62) / JuniorsAdults
9 Holes (Walking)$16.00$18.00
9 Holes (Riding)$26.00$31.00
18 Holes (Walking)$26.00$28.00
18 Holes (Riding)$37.00$45.00

Weekends & Holidays

9 Holes (Walking)$19.00
9 Holes (Riding)$32.00
18 Holes (Walking)$39.00
18 Holes (Riding)$48.00


9 Holes18 Holes
Push Cart5.007.00

All prices subject to 5.5% sales tax
Jr/Sr – 15 & under/62 and older

  • The requester of a single cart will be charged an additional $5 for 9 holes and $10 for 18 holes if extra carts are available.
  • All Food and Beverage must be purchased at The Golf Club at Camelot.
  • All beverages and 6-pack coolers are available.
  • It is illegal to bring alcohol on to the premises. Carry-ons beverages found in a player’s possession will be confiscated and can be picked up in the Pro Shop prior to departing the facility.